Harmony Game and Presentation - IT DOWN !!!!!!!!
MOA Portfolio - IT DOWN !!!
Western percussion pratical- IT DOWN!!
SAS portfolio - IT DOWN DOWN DOWN !!!
Concert Attendance - IT DOWN
Performance Attendance Portfolio - IT DOWN
Harmony portfolio - IT DOWN!
MOA mozart kv 271 piano concerto analysis - faster come faster do !
PS - beethoven sonata memorise , noctunre and sinfornia ,sonata 4 pages, nocturne left hand worng notes , only sinfonia is prepared can go and fly kite liao !!!
Wed got concert attendance 12 - 1
thur got harmony,
fri got aural and western percussion (met mr yeo today, he say i shd have no problem, like real)
May 2 got PS exam. 1020 !! HELP !!!
ppl under stress tend to speak faster, example dora, enxin and maybe a bit of char also. haha !! it is a proven theory.