SIANZ !!!!
Harmony Game and Presentation - IT DOWN !!!!!!!!
MOA Portfolio - IT DOWN !!!
Western percussion pratical- IT DOWN!!
SAS portfolio - IT DOWN DOWN DOWN !!!
Concert Attendance - concert review done, left the listening test and the 10 profrossional concert review, found 0 so far, all gone, my computer restarted !!!
Performance Attendance Portfolio - Monday due then do on Sunday lah !! 10 more reviews leh !!
PS - beethoven sonata memorise , noctunre and sinfornia , i so dead i cannot memorise !!!
then wed got concert attendance, thur got aural (or is it harmony), friday got harmony (or is it aural) and western percussion
May 2 got PS exam. HELP !!!
nothing much had happened today. Can only say i quite happy today. cos of ... ... you shd koe why? got back my listenning test. did fairly well.